Terms and Conditions

This website is owned and operated by Relational Frame Training Ltd. (Ireland). All payments received for our on-line educational training are received through a third party company PayPal. By paying for one of our training services you will be deemed to have read, understood and accepted these terms and conditions.

Intellectual Improvements

SMART products have the potential to raise IQ scores to a considerable degree but they are not guaranteed to do so. While we fully expect each of our customers to experience gains in intelligence as measured by standardized intelligence tests, purchase of our products is no guarantee of this. Intelligence Quotients (IQ) scores vary slightly from time to time in one’s life, sometimes even in a downward direction. The effect of our product is also modified by the level of effort applied to SMART training by our customers, the presence of distractions during training, and possible genetic, behavioral or other conditions that limit the ability of the individual to engage with SMART training effectively.

SMART training is expected to assist any individual in improving their ability to learn. In this way it can assist individuals, including those with learning difficulties, to enhance their intellectual ability. However, SMART should not be used in place of treatment for diagnosed conditions and is not offered as a "cure" for any diagnosed learning difficulties.

It is the responsibility of customers or their guardians to ensure that the customer is capable of engaging in prolonged learning tasks and has the necessary motor, visual, auditory, attentional and intellectual skills to perform tasks involving logical reasoning as described on this website (e.g., the preview section).

Relational Frame Training Ltd. is in no way responsible for changes in IQ that are not satisfactory to the customer.

Duration of your access to Smart training

Once you pay for SMART training on this website you will have access to your account for a maximum of 12 months from the date of payment. Accounts will be suspended 30 days following completion of the training and testing procedure. Customers have up to one month to access and review their training and any information regarding achieved improvements in intellectual ability following completion of their training, but accounts and access to accounts will be suspended 12 months following payment date regardless of the duration since completion of the SMART training procedure.


Cancellations of accounts within 48 hours of payment will be reimbursed with a penalty of 50% of product cost. Cancellations of accounts more than 48 hours following payment will be penalized at the rate of 100% of product cost.

Revision and updates to SMART training procedures

Relational Frame Training Ltd. reserves the right to alter the SMART training programs from time to time without notice, for the purposes of improving services.